Cambria Dental Practice provide natural looking restorations to replace your missing teeth.
It is entirely possible to have bridges and dentures that look great and provide you with the security you need to enjoy the foods you love.
“Just wanted to say a big thank you for all your help, advice and treatment over the last few weeks you have managed to restore my faith in dentistry”
A dental bridge may be the solution if you have one or more teeth missing and don’t want to wear a partial denture. A bridge may be fixed or removable and is held in place by the teeth on either side. The neighbouring teeth are prepared so that crowns can be fitted, onto which the missing tooth is attached. Bridges are an excellent choice to replace missing teeth if the remaining teeth are strong enough to support them and have previously been filled or crowned.
Dentures may have a reputation for being ‘false’ in appearance and poorly fitting but the truth is that modern dentures can look and feel fantastic. It is often possible to have dentures that look great and provide you with the security you need to enjoy the foods you love. The two main factors to achieving this are the time and artistic skill of the technician creating the teeth, and the expertise of the dentist to understand your needs and select the appropriate type of denture for you. Natural looking dentures
Dentures are used to replace missing teeth and can be either ‘partial’ to replace just a few teeth or ‘full’ if you are missing all of your teeth. They may be fully removable as the more traditional denture, or retained by implants which make them extremely secure.
You may want your denture to replicate the size, shape and colour of your missing teeth and gums or you may want your denture to provide you with a different look all together. The teeth can be designed in a uniform manner to be the perfect smile you may have always wanted, or they can be crafted in a more natural style with little differences in the shape of teeth or the inclusion of small imperfections. Our technicians only use the best quality materials and will hand craft your new teeth to ensure they have a natural look and feel.
Implant retained dentures
Implants placed permanently into your jaw act like teeth roots onto which your denture is securely attached. This means that your denture does not move around or come out which can happen with traditional dentures especially over time. Dentures which are held in place by implants can be fixed permanently or may be removable. As the teeth are held in place by the implants denture fixative is not required and many people describe a sense of freedom and confidence knowing that their teeth are secure.
Whether you are replacing an old denture or require dentures for the first time, we can help you find a natural looking solution that works for you. We understand that many people feel embarrassed about wearing a denture but we’d like to change that and help you to feel attractive and secure with your new denture.